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Self Love: Taking Time With Getting To Know You

Writer's picture: Brianna MilesBrianna Miles

March 1, 2019 / By Brianna Miles

Getting to know yourself and loving yourself go hand to hand when it comes to self love. You have to accept yourself for who you are, no matter how different you may feel from the rest of the world, if you are financially stable, or if you are just not where you want to be in life. Accepting who you are through the good, bad, and ugly will be your first step with getting to understand and loving You! And I am here to tell you now that it is going to be hard work. You will definitely have your highs and lows but the ultimate goal is to accept it and to keep pushing. I am learning that you are not going to get everything you want that you may have either planned or sacrificed for. Sometimes you are going to get let down. You may have failed that test, lost out on a great career opportunity, or ended a toxic friendship or relationship, what ever it may have been it is okay to just sit in that moment, reflect on the situation and to let all of your emotions out.

The power of growth comes with the acknowledgement of one's emotions. In this journey to self love, you will run into issues that you may still be battling with, which is okay. I understand that sometimes we can brush our problems to the side when things start to get busy in life. But It is important to deal with them. If you may start to feel overwhelmed with the problems in your life and may feel yourself falling into depression or loneliness here are some tips that can help ease the stress that anxiety and depression can have on you:

  • Praying

  • Writing your thoughts out in a Journal

  • Painting

  • Meditating

  • Talking it out with close friends/ family.

  • Speaking to a therapist

  • Looking in the mirror and saying something positive about yourself.

  • Taking time to relax- Watching a movie, taking a bath, reading your favorite book, or doing something you enjoy.

  • Speak positive into the Universe!

  • Surround yourself around good energy!

Here is some advice from some friends of mine when asked "How do you show yourself love?" Here are their responses:

"treat myself to some online shopping, do some extensive skin care & take a million selfies"


"I like to isolate myself, turn on all my entertaining lights & vibe out to my music"


"Stop accepting toxic behavior from people in your life friends/family"


"I show myself love by allowing myself time to recharge no matter what that looks like or how long it takes. I listen to my body and provide it what it needs. Also lots of journaling, reading and meditation!"


"Writing positive quotes on sticky notes & reading them to myself everyday for confidence!"


Remember that you are not alone when it comes to figuring life out. I hope these tips and responses were helpful and something that you can use towards your healing process :)

"You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody."

-Maya Angelou

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